I'm Another Title
Belonging is the story of Dr Louis Gabriel (1863-1927). a doctor, surgeon and documentary photographer. His 800 photographs are held at the National Library of Australia, Canberra. Some have been reproduced, and 'reenacted' within the novel. For those curious about their style and content, the novel provides original, researched and speculative insights into their creation, viewpoint and 'style'. See all the images at
A beautiful image, taken at a critical and telling moment; telling about Gabriel's life, values, experience and friendships.
Hints: Who is at the photo's centre?
Why does the gravel path occupy the photo's bottom one-third?
Belonging's cover photograph, used because it showed Gabriel's use of his shadow, depicts a NSW Premier of the day (and later Prime Minister), and shows them hurrying past the pesky photographer, perhaps too, an embarrassing and controversial town figure.
A rare self-portrait, taken on the verandah of his home.
A limited number of these prints from the original glass plate negatives, are available at $45 each.
Women were Louis Gabriel's most important allies. At a time when they did not have the vote, they were immensely active to charitable organizations, particularly in hospitals. When itsLouis was Chief Medical Officer, he worked closely with charity-workers, nurses and matrons.
I'm a Title
For more on Dr Louis Gabriel - in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .
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