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SYDNEY'S BUSES BY NIGHT. Positively electric.

Night Bus

Energy, Creation, Triumph
All is flux, humanity the great adaptor- or else there is no peace.

With creation, as with destruction, order is our creation, our triumph, our illusion. When the solid  fades, transforms and evaporates, all is unsettling, tense and anxious.

Traveling through space, unable to grasp objects, nor control time, how appealing is the  photographic image? Grasping time, it holds the present, decaying into mocking our mortality or frailty, movement, the joker in the pack. 

See and feel what is before you; the images are ‘ourselves’, beautiful and transient, a host of thoughts, situations and actions sourced in time-space. Without solidity, we struggle to explain away things,  holding our delusion of solidity and continuance. Perhaps, we sense movement, perhaps something just beyond our grasp, perhaps the abyss, the shadow of  our substance.

There is pleasure too; the delights of energy, action and movement. We can embrace  all that is the ungraspable and unsecured. As happiness is fleeting,  only our sense of well-being smoothes and soothes time.

In the vastness of space and time and energy, our loudest laugh does not echo.  Yet who would kill laughter- only hate.

For millennia, people have asked the greatest questions of existence, ‘How did time begin?’ ‘How did space begin?’ ‘How did it come to be?’  Now we reach closer than ever to answering those questions , without needing myths and legends. Religion is tribal,  a hapless mishmash of superstitions, speculations, wishful thinking, good intentions, homilies, commerce, charity, militancy and folk legends, all for the tribe.

Hail Galileo, Darwin, Einstein and ................* write your choice here.


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