A doctor arrives in legendary Gundagai, passionate about the new medicine and Lister’s pioneering surgery. Louis Gabriel is fired with hope and ambition. But he is new, black and overqualified. Will he be top, or bottom, of the social ‘pile’? Will he ever belong?
Based on the life of the eminent photographer and medico, we follow the real events and real dilemmas of living amongst Gundagai’s colourful characters. The story climaxes in 1901 with Federation, the Jimmy Blacksmith massacres, plagues and the murderous Boer War.
Readers Comments
... already up to page 80 - can't put it down!
Lynne Sandberg, Sydney
…the text is very clear and readable. Dr Gabriel's story is actually a very good idea... and I think you execute it quite well. The medical scenes in particular are very vivid...
Zack Alexopoulos, Tutor, Sydney Uni
I was quite enthralled with the story…I got so I could hardly stop reading... the types of illnesses, diseases, misadventures, are relived vividly…. The photos too....were quite illuminating .... I succumbed to the National Library website and went through the whole 900 images! Judy Newton, Sydney …a very sure accomplished style with great feel for detail and idiom.’ There is so much in it which is fresh and new.
Milorad Pavlovic, Editor, Writer
…the novel lovingly but unromantically recreates a fascinating slice of Australia’s past...It is a great tale, and I would say material for a great miniseries of say, the ABC.
Independent review, WordPress
I have just finished your book and am writing to say how much I enjoyed it. It was such an interesting story, and your creative use of the facts ...were terrific. Also the way outside events impinged on the Gundagai residents was so interesting. You evoked the resonances of the era beautifully. I enjoyed it, and will be recommending it to my friends.
Trish Walters, Sydney
A Place in the World
True-Fiction by GarryMcDougall
Vivid Publishing, 2010, 380 pages.
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